Chizu Saeki Method

Having bright and youthful skin is a dream for every woman. Moreover, having smooth, radiant, moist and healthy skin like a Japanese woman.

Actually there are many methods of using skincare, which function to make the face look younger or prevent signs of premature aging. But in Japan, there is a method of using skincare called the Chizu Saeki Method or CSM.

This CSM method is very popular among women who want healthy and bright skin. This method is very easy to do at home. Here’s how to do CSM in the use of Japanese-style skincare so that the face is youthful:

Actually Chizu Saeki is the name of a skincare expert who comes from Japan. He introduced methods for treating skin, through his book entitled “The Japanese Skincare Revolution”.

In this book, she teaches various ways of skin care, so that the skin looks bright, healthy and youthful. The methods he writes in his book have been practiced for several years, so that at the age of 75, his skin still looks healthy and nutritious.

In the Chizu Saeki method or CSM for short, she teaches techniques when masking, by using ingredients such as hydrating toner which is poured on cotton, then affixed to all areas of the face.

Using CSM in the use of masks, of course, has many benefits that are good for your skin. Of course, the main benefit is to make the skin fresher, moisturized and hydrated. Due to the concentration used in these toners and lotions, they contain active ingredients that easily penetrate the skin.

This method can make your skin layer stronger, protect from exposure to free radicals that attack the skin layer, make skin supple and increase elasticity.

The benefits that can be obtained from using CSM, make blood circulation in the skin more smoothly, such as on the cheekbones, chin and forehead.

After understanding the meaning of CSM and the benefits of this method, of course we must know how to do CSM properly, so that the results are more optimal and make skin healthy and youthful.

The first step that must be done is to prepare all ingredients such as a hydrating toner, cotton and warm water. Then dip the cotton in a container filled with warm water.

After that, lift the cotton and wring it out so that no water drips on the cotton. Then pour the hydrating toner into the cotton, and stick the cotton all over the face. Let stand for 5 minutes, let it soak and do not rinse.

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